Last updated
Last updated
This route goes through pDAI to pINDEPENDENCE to AFFECTION™.
This guide assumes you’ve read and understand how to interact with contracts.
This is currently the most gas efficient route
Check the current exchange rates to know which route is profitable!
Add pDAI to
Open the pDAI contract and call approve() with spender pINDEPENDENCE and amount 300000000000000000000 for 300 tokens
Open the pINDEPENDENCE contract and call BuyWithDAI() to mint 1 token, this is sent straight to your wallet
Open the pINDEPENDENCE contract and call approve() with spender AFFECTION™ and amount 10000000000000000 for 0.01 tokens
Open the AFFECTION™ contract and call Generate() or Rho() or Pi() to mint 3 tokens, this gets sent to the contract address
With AFFECTION™ contract open, call BuyWithPI() with amount 3000000000000000000, this will purchase all 3 tokens from the contract for 0.01 pINDEPENDENCE tokens
Swap the AFFECTION™ on PulseX for PLS or pDAI
Repeat steps 4-9 as long as there is a decent profit margin. Once you are comfortable you can approve a higher amount of tokens to skip steps 4 and 6 and speed up your arbs!
Step 8 might fail because someone else buys it from the contract faster than you, most likely due to bots. Read on for a way to get around this problem.
Use my multi mint contracts to do this even faster, up to 400-500 times in a single transaction! By using this you can combine steps 7 and 8 into one function. This section will replace steps 4 to 8 from above with 10 to 15.
Open the pDAI contract on and call approve() with spender 0xcCDaCEF154704c604365dB9E3b1DF356B9c4B6E2 and any amount followed by 18 zeros, example: 3000000000000000000000 for 3000 tokens
Add the Multi PI contract to
Open it and call the function multiBuyWithDAI() with iterations 10, this will purchase 10 pINDEPENDENCE from the contract in one transaction
Open the pINDEPENDENCE contract on and call approve() with spender 0x81fcd03D2100A0fE9767C0CfC68050bdc6a2969d and any amount followed by 18 zeros, example: 10000000000000000000 for 10 tokens
Add the Multi AFFECTION™ contract to
Open it and call the function multiBuyWithPI() with iterations 500, this will purchase 1500 AFFECTION™ from the contract in one transaction. Run it again to finish converting all your pINDEPENDENCE
This should help reduce the gas costs to mint each token down to 5-10 PLS